In recent years, concerns over waste and how it is managed have continued to make headlines as it becomes clearer by the day that we must take better care of the environment. The latest report from the government on UK waste production highlights that the UK generated 222.2 million tonnes of total waste in 2018 of which 19.75% was commercial and industrial (C&I) waste. They reported that the UK recycling rate for households had fallen in 2020 by 1.6%, sitting at 44.4%. These statistics combined with the fact that over 14 million tonnes of waste were sent to landfill in 2020, highlights the importance of waste management. 

What is waste Management?

But what exactly is waste management? It’s the process of handling waste produced by households and by businesses; this includes everything from collection, transportation, and disposal of the waste. Ensuring that waste management is undertaken seriously and correctly is important for numerous reasons, the main three being that it benefits the environment, it’s important to our health and it has the potential to reduce production costs for your business.

How it benefits the environment

Landfills contain a mixture of all types of waste with the majority of it often being inorganic waste such as plastics, glass, or batteries, which are usually open to the elements. This leads to heavy pollution of the nearby air, soil, and water which harms wildlife. For example, animals that eat grass that grows on contaminated soil or drink polluted water can be poisoned by doing so. Whatsmore, the waste found at landfill sites releases an abundance of methane, which as we all know, leads to global warming.

Effective waste management means that all waste is disposed of correctly and everything that can be recycled is in fact recycled. Inorganic waste such as glass or plastic can be segregated into different piles and sent to recycling plants where they are melted down and used to make new products. This not only saves natural resources but also reduces the amount of inorganic waste that ends up on landfill sites or in the ocean, thus preventing it from polluting the environment.

Important for our health

It’s easy to forget that humans are reliant on the environment in which we live so anything that is harmful to animals will also affect us. Farm animals or marine life that is poisoned can make its way into the food supply chain, passing on the toxic chemicals they consumed to us. On the other hand, if these contaminated animals are spotted and taken out of the supply chain, it may lead to a shortage. Either way, landfills that harm the environment spell bad news for us too.

The same chemicals and toxins that pollute the air, water, and soil can also cause a variety of medical issues for humans if improperly managed – for example, it can lead to skin irritation, respiratory issues, and eye irritation. What makes improper waste management even more dangerous for humans is that the effects can be wide-reaching, often overflowing into surrounding areas and cities. A study in 2019 found that people who live close to a landfill site suffer from more medical conditions than people who do not live close to a landfill site. The list of conditions they are more likely to develop is extensive, with some of the most serious conditions being cholera, malaria, and tuberculosis.

Reduce Production Costs

As previously mentioned in this article, proper waste management involves recycling waste. By reusing materials such as paper, glass, plastic, and even oil, your business can save on production costs as you won’t have to purchase large amounts of new materials. Waste management can therefore help businesses improve their supply chain and increase their revenue.


Waste management has the potential to not only help the environment and in turn prevent human illnesses and injuries, but it can also help you increase your business’s bottom line. You may be thinking that all of this sounds great but are left wondering how you can manage your waste better. A good way to start is to make sure you recycle your household rubbish and if you have a larger amount of waste, consider hiring an experienced rubbish removal company that knows how to dispose of any type of waste in the correct way.